Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Q & A after the London Premiere of FTBTMS (audio only)


Tom in Durham said...

Dear Bishop Gene ... I try to follow your footsteps each day on this site. Today I am overwhelmed with the burden you carry in this prophetic witness God has placed on you. Having been (and still) in that place of being hurt so badly by the Church, I thank God each day that there are people such as yourself who speak of a God of compassion and love, a God who sees in all of us the image of children, a God who excludes no one. May this same God continue to strengthen you with his grace, sustain you with divine power, and surround you with unending love. Your flock in NH prays for you.

WarrenSensei said...

This stream is very low quality, and most of it is unintelligible. I'd really like to listen to it though. Could, maybe, a high quality version be posted somewhere to be downloaded instead of streamed?

I happen to own some audio editing software and I'd be willing to try to clean up and compress the raw audio for you, if you need some help and can send me the original files.

~Warren Huber

Anonymous said...

Dear Gene:

"Open my heart for mutual learning" and "keep me grounded in the spirit of love, forgiveness and compassion" are the words that you ask us (the faithful of New Hampshire) to pray for you as you travel your strange journey to Lambeth.

It is difficult to understand and very bewildering to us why you would want to be associated with the opening of "FTBTMS" which is nothing but a pseudo-documentary/infomercial that in part maligns, trashes, and unabashedly demonizes many of your wonderful Christian brothers and sisters in America. By attending this opening and associating with this rather dubious enterprise you have dishonored and trivialized your own diocesan slogan of, “Infinite respect and radical hospitality” for all people. Please be careful whom and what you associate with during your odyssey as the whole world is watching.

Gene, we love you and are praying for you daily,

Lou M. of Ossipee

Anonymous said...

I found the film and Q&A afterwards very moving and inspiring. As a gay man without much faith in the Church, the election of a far-away bishop who happened to be gay meant little to me. The Anglican 'Church' reacted predictably and I couldn't be bothered with it.

But having seen Bishop Robinson in person my attitude is quite changed. It is marvellous he should be the world's first openly gay bishop, and wonderful that the people of New Hampshire have elected him.

The film opened my eyes to the depth of suffering many gay Christians and their families experience, and to the remarkable saving grace that comes from overcoming prejudice with love.